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A Few Things to do Before Getting a Weave

Getting a weave to add volume or length to you hair is a great thing, but there are a few things you should do before you get one. If it’s your first time getting a weave you should get advice from a friend or someone you trust that has or has gotten a weave before. They’ll make the experience a lot more fun!

You need to make sure your stylist is experienced. There are many stories out there of terrible first-weave experiences because of the stylist. Ask for proof like pictures or even references of previous weaves they’ve done.

You’ll also want to decide the style you’re going after. The length, the cut, everything. After all, the weave will be there for a while. One of the benefits of weaves is that they don’t grow, so the hair will stay that length, so make sure to match it with the rest of your style.

If you want to enjoy your weave experience, make sure your hair is properly condition. Use the right combination of protein and moisture to keep your hair healthy. Another tip is to make sure to trim all your split ends to avoid damaging your hair shaft.

Lastly, make sure that the hair you get is high quality and is synthetic free. Natural Brazilian hair is great for weaves. Follow these tips and you’ll enjoy your weave experience!

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